
"Why are Ganjalas so good?" Butter, baby.


The low and slow dance between cannabis and butter, and their natural harmonies with the human body, date back thousands of years. We aren't pioneering this process; we're simply returning to the natural, uncomplicated roots of edibles – and making them more delicious and accessible than ever before. So why doesn't everyone just use butter as the infusion base of their edible products? Like all good things, the butter process takes extra patience and effort, and like all good things – butter is always worth the wait. 


The chemistry of cannabis moves in perfect symbiotic rhythm with the chemistry of the human body; endocannabinoid receptors embrace cannabinoids and terpenes like the ancient friends they are, and the natural chemistry of butter is one of the most biologically efficient, and delicious, means of facilitating this reunion. 


We use butter to achieve the fullest spectrum extraction that brings you the deepest, purest, and most satisfying cannabis experience. 


You wouldn't spread solvents on your morning toast or fold them into your pie crusts, and we won't use them to make our kick ass edibles. Experience a Ganjala, and let us show you why butter is always better.